prachi vora
3 min readApr 1, 2020
Image: Creator:PeopleImages. Copyright:© PeopleImages

Do not touch your face, do not shake hands, do not touch people if you are sick. We have been listening to all this from last couple of months now. The situation with coronavirus has gone so bad that we are now scared to touch a thing that has been touched by another human being or for that matter even another human being.

How contradictory this is to the concept of “Human touch”. By definition human touch is a quality of being friendly or warm, which makes the other person feel relaxed or homey. In medical science there have been cases where in NICU twins or more babies share the bed, this practice is known as co-bedding. This is believed to support the development of infants as just the sense of another human being (in this case the ones with which they have shared the womb for months) through touch, smell or noise can make them feel comfortable. This has actually helped many babies to survive.

When we grow up, the touch becomes like an essential feeling. When we feel low or lonely or depressed a simple hug can make the happy hormones rush through our body. Touch is a sign of empathy. A hug, tap on a shoulder, a hand on your head or a kiss etc are few examples of touch which all of us may have experienced (Close your eyes for two minutes. Sit back. Try and remember that one moment of touch which is special to you. Trust me, you will feel exact same sensations in your body, which you felt at that time)

That’s the power of touch! I believe it is one and only sensation which can make such a strong memory of an event that you can literally relive it.

Our skin is a sensory organ responsible for it. It has helped us improve the fundamentals of our emotional and social development. A sequence of biochemical and bioelectrical reactions that happen when the touch receptors are stimulated. Which eventually calm our nerves, slowdowns our heart rate and relaxes the body muscles. Research also says that touch helps us improve our immune system. When someone hugs you tightly and you feel relaxed and safe, that’s where the stress hormone Cortisol takes a back seat. This leads to happy mood, lowered anxiety and stronger immune system.

But well that’s the science of touch. But there is more than these chemical reaction to touch. It has feelings (which also eventually are biochemical reactions. but hey! Keep something for my next article, will you?).

Touch represents I care! (holding hands). Touch is the feeling of I’m there (tapping on back of the hand). It is that support you need (A hug) and love you feed (a kiss). It shows the confidence (a hand shake), it reflects the blessings (hand on head). Touch help you make stronger memories.

Yes, in current situations the best thing is to practice social distancing. But we know this will pass, we will get back to our normal life. And then?

Let’s make sure that we don’t forget the touch of humanity. Let’s not forget that we equally need each other. Let’s not get absorbed in virtual world so much that we forget what it is to sit together and have a supper or shaking hand of confidence or tapping someone on shoulder for that good thing they did or hugging that friend tightly when you meet them after ages or kissing a sweet goodbye.

As at the end all we need is togetherness.

I ain’t lookin’ for prayers or pity
I ain’t comin’ ‘round searchin’ for a crutch
I just want someone to talk to
And a little of that human touch
Just a little of that human touch

- Bruce Springsteen



prachi vora

Science, psychology and emotions. Learning everyday!